“Hi! I am Liv Ariana, will you be my friend” is usually how she starts a conversation.
Or more like “Mom can they be my friend, can they come to my birthday?”. Of course Liv, go introduce yourself…and so she does!
Liv, being so young doesn’t totally grasp that her baby sister Penelope will not actually be “earth side” to celebrate her birthdays. She still wants to know when she will get to see her and change her diapers. I know she is the best BIG sis & I pray that someday she will be able to show off all her big-sis-duties to another baby brother or sister!
Liv loves to “play, dance & give cuddles!”
Liv’s favorite food is “pancakes!”
When I think of Penelope “I wish she were here.”
Liv’s favorite colors are “pink, purple & blue”
When I grow up “I want to drive!”